【同义词辨析】 2018-05-07 乏味insipid-inane

insipid: implies a lack of sufficient taste or flavor to please or interest: ~ art and dull prose. (flavor也是味道,但表示 taste+smell即味觉加嗅觉)

vapid: suggests lack of liveliness, freshness, sparkle, force or spirit: a potentially exciting story given a ~ treatment.

flat: applies to things that has lost their sparkle or zest and become dull and lifeless: although well-regarded in its day, this novel now seems ~.

jejune: suggests a lack of rewarding or satisfying substance and connotes barrenness, aridity, and meagerness: on close reading the poem comes across as ~.

banal: stresses the presence of trite and commonplace elements and the complete absence of freshness , novelty, or immediacy: a ~ tale of unrequited love. (immediacy: 实时, 因为直接)

whishy-washy: implies that essential or striking qualities are so weak or diluted that as to seem utterly insipid or vapid: a set of ~ opinions on national issues.

inane: implies lack of any significant or convincing quality or of any sense or point: gave an ~ interpretation of the play.

insipid: 缺乏味道让人不满意没兴趣,vapid:缺乏生气活力(lfsfs都和生命有关),flat: 失去了吸引力(sparkle火花,zest兴致),jejune: 缺乏有价值的实质, 表示荒凉干燥稀少,banal: 内容俗套(trite过于熟悉)不新鲜不实时,whishy-washy: 本质鲜明特征稀释弱化,完全乏味无力(insipid,vapid) i: 缺乏影响力说服力毫无观点或意义

记忆方法: 1)首字母记忆IVFJBWI想象成W I(我爱)BJ FIV(五星红旗)我爱北京五星红旗<==简单但不乏味

         2)乏味的意思是没活力或特征mean devoid of qualities that make for spirit and character.